- 1She Told Me: This is an awesome up and coming site that as a freelance writer I have found to be extremely beneficial to me. is a social book-marking site like dig or stumbleupon that allows you to insert your own Google Adsense ID and make money when people read your reviews. This is an incredible deal for writers because we use sites like these to promote our work all of the time. Why not use a book-marking site that will pay you cash to do something you already do for free? Check the resources section to get started.
- 2Amazon Affiliate Program: If you already have a blog, write internet articles or run a website becoming an Amazon Affiliate can be a great way to earn extra money. How this works is that you advertise Amazon products that are related to your subject and when people shop at Amazon using your affiliate link, you make a commission on the sale. It's really easy and sets up in just minutes. They even have pre-made banners and widgets that you can copy and paste into your blog or website. Again, it costs nothing to join and once you set up your account it practically runs itself. Now in order for this to be profitable to you, you'll need a website or blog that gets a decent amount of traffic. You're going to need a relatively large audience before you can expect to earn a good bit of cash.
- 3PeopleString: This website is super fun. If you like to use social networking sites like Facebook, you'll love this opportunity. How PeopleString works is you use their portal to do all of your social internet activities such as searching the web, playing games, chatting, checking your email, playing on facebook or twitter and more. Then they share a percentage of the ad revenue they earn off of your activities with you. The easiest way to make money with PeopleString is to set it as your home page and use the site as a gateway to all of your regular internet activities. You can sign up for a paid membership and make more money, but I'm doing just fine with the free program. It's up to you how you want to make money. Check the resource section below to sign up.
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